Red Bull Bedroom Jam 2011
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Red Bull Studio Campaign

Client:  Red Bull Date:  May 2011 Type:   Campaign | Print | Banner |


The Red Bull Studio London is a state-of-the-art recording and production facility based in the UK Red Bull HQ. It's a legacy of the successful London Red Bull Music Academy and aims to promote UK music by providing access to the studio and surrounding exhibition space for both upcoming and established artists

Our brief was to develop an online campaign to celebrate the Studio's first birthday promote Red Bull Studio London and drive more visitors to the site to view some of the great content that can be found there.

We delivered a integrated campaign - Animated Flash Banners, including site takeover of Mixcloud, a micro target Facebook Ad campaign where we served specific artist ads to fans of those artists, collaborators and related genres. This approach allowed us to deliver relevant ads at all times and drove large volumes of traffic to the site. We also created a supporting press advertising campaign which ran in relevant music titles.

The results were fantastic and traffic surpassed all expectations by 500% over the campaign period. 


Red Bull Bedroom Jam 2011
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